How do bladder problems develop? 

It’s always important to ask for specialist advice from a doctor in order to discover the cause of your bladder problem. Then the treatment can be tailored to the specific cause of your bladder problem. 

There are many possible causes of bladder problems that can have direct or indirect relation to certain medical conditions. This is why you need to see you doctor, so (s)he can build a complete picture. 

In bladder problems, a difference is usually made between urinary incontinence and urine retention


There are several types of urinary incontinence, with differing symptoms and causes.

Stress-related urinary incontinence 

This form occurs when the muscles in the pelvic floor are too weak to keep the sphincter muscles closed under sudden, increased pressure (stress), resulting in the involuntary loss of urine during daily activities, for example, when sneezing, coughing, laughing or exercising.

Urge incontinence

This is also called unstable or overactive bladder and is caused by involuntary, uncontrolled contractions of the muscle in the bladder, resulting in a sudden urge to go to the toilet. Sometimes this means that there is some involuntary loss of urine before you can make it to the toilet.

Mixed urinary incontinence

This is a combination of stress-related urinary incontinence and urge incontinence.

Overflow incontinence 

This is the regular or continual dripping of urine due to insufficient bladder emptying. This form of incontinence often occurs in those who have a damaged bladder, a blocked urethra or neurological damage/condition. With overflow incontinence, you get the feeling that you can’t empty your bladder fully. And when you try to go to the toilet, you often produce little urine at all.

Urine retention

Urinary retention can be caused by an obstruction in the urinary tract, a weak bladder muscle or a neurogenic condition such as multiple sclerosis, paraplegia or spina bifida. In all of these conditions, the signals between the brain and the bladder are disrupted, which leads to the urinary tract malfunctioning, resulting in bladder problems

Post-void urine residu

If your bladder is not properly and not completely emptied, there is a risk that the remaining urine in the bladder will cause infections. This is called post-void urine residue. If the residual urine is not regularly removed from the bladder, this can lead to irritating, serious and painful complications, such as urinary tract infections. It’s important that you seek help if you have these symptoms. 

Can urinary incontinence or urine retention be prevented?

Depending on your particular bladder problem, there are a few methods that can help in the prevention of involuntary loss of urine. A specialist will be able to investigate and treat your bladder problem. As a result, it may be that self-catheterisation is a suitable treatment for you.

Why catheters?

Catheters contribute greatly to a better quality of life if you suffer from urinary incontinence or urine retention. Curan catheters are comfortable, hygienic, painless and problem-free solutions to these problems. With exclusive distributors, professionals, suppliers and strategic partners, we collaborate to provide a balanced array of products. This results in a range of catheters with the following advantages:

  • Made according the wishes of users and professionals
  • Based on years of knowledge and experience
  • Extensive testing means it is safe and reliable
  • Comfortable to use
  • Free of aggressive softening agents

Let us tell you more about how catheters can improve your quality of life. 


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